
For reasons that are probably connected to the fact that I spent the entirety of my adolescence as an unsocialized young lady entirely untouched by boys, alcohol, drugs, or mischief, I can draw a damn good Pikachu. This is probably something that other people claim, but I can assure you: I am the real deal.

My Pikachus are limitless, and I pull them out for all occasions.  Nephew getting bored at Bob Evans? Time for a purple Pikachu on his placemat. Forgot to give my brother something for Christmas? Why not a Pikachu holding a gun and a stack of money? Getting incredibly drunk on New Year’s with people I don’t know very well? No reason not to draw Pikachus with giant dicks on every possible surface!

What I’m saying is, in terms of drawing, I am kind of a one-trick pony, but I am absolutely shameless in deploying that trick at every opportunity. This is why I am completely at a loss to explain why, in the months that I have had my Wacom tablet, I have never once drawn a Pikachu with it.  

This is something I feel like I have to rectify immediately.  I feel like some artist, or some bullshit movie about an artist,  once said something about having to draw a thousand crappy hands before you could draw a good hand, or even a moderately uncrappy person, for that matter.1  Logically, I think it follows that I need to draw a shit-ton of Pikachus with this thing to even start feeling like I actually know how to use it.


1. I was so certain that this was a real quote of some sort that I googled, “Draw a thousand.” The first result: “I would draw a thousand dicks for anyone who buys me portal 2.”

Oh well.

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